About Us


Our mission at College Park Elementary, Community Partnership School is to inspire students to become successful citizens in their community.


Our vision at College Park Elementary, Community Partnership School, is to positively impact the future by creating lifelong learners with community in mind.


College Park Elementary is located within the city limits of Ocala, Florida in an industrial area. The present building was constructed in 1993, however, College Park was previously located on the campus of the College of Central Florida as far back as the early 1960’s. The school has an enrollment of approximately 830 students in grades K-5. Four prekindergarten classes are also on the College Park campus. Two are for students with special needs. Eighty-two percent of the students attending are minority students. Forty-eight percent Hispanic, 25% African American, 8% Multiracial, 1% Asian and 17% White. One-hundred percent of students receive free or reduced lunches. Breakfast at College Park is complimentary and over 500 students are served breakfast each morning.

  • College Park is a Community Partnership School. It is our hope that College Park Elementary will be a neighborhood center that becomes the very heart of the community, bringing together families, educators, business leaders, and local government to influence the lives of the whole family -- strengthen our community and give our students greater access to the high-quality education they deserve and need to succeed.
  • Many services are available through the partnership, for example, primary healthcare, vaccinations, dental, financial training for families, clothing, shoes, toiletries, food, school supplies, and behavior health needs.
  • For more information, call the Husky Den 352-291-4057 or Ex. 51347

Our School Improvement Plan outlines current strategies and will provide the direction that will allow College Park to become an A school. The goals outlined in the College Park Elementary School Improvement Plan have been designed to support the District goals that are outlined in the District's strategic plan.

The Florida B.E.S.T. Standards (Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking) play a fundamental part in raising student achievement. Title 1 funds are utilized to help implement the Marion County Schools Vision of Helping Every Student Succeed.

The College of Central Florida is a business sponsor and provides assistance in support of academic and other school-based initiatives. Central Florida (CF) provides invaluable community support through student volunteers and material resources. Meadowbrook Church is another of our business partners and provides wonderful support to school-wide events, mentoring, donations of school supplies and a monetary donation to help us achieve our goals.

The entire College Park Learning Community is directed towards accomplishing our academic goals. All staff, parents, students and community members will focus on the goals outlined in the plan that will assist College Park Elementary in serving student needs and supporting the District's strategic plan.

Documents About our School


College Park's colors are blue, red, and white. Our mascot is a Husky.