The classroom instruction is based on the expectations identified in the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards.
College Park's faculty and staff are proud to deliver a quality education designed to meet the needs of all students and ensure our students become self-sufficient, responsible citizens. By using the resources available at CPE, students will be able to continue to grow academically, as demonstrated by data. For the 2023-2024 academic year, our school-wide focus has been to improve our small group instruction, while teaching to the depth of the standard. Twice a week, teachers work together in collaborative planning, focusing on math and reading instruction. During these sessions under the guidance of our Leadership team, teachers plan to the rigor of the standard, and develop common assessments to inform their instruction.
Reading: In reading instruction, students learn phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing through whole group and small group instruction utilizing SAVVAS Realize and UFLI Foundations resources. Through this curriculum, each student is exposed to rigorous texts that prepare them for a multitude of content areas. Teachers also differentiate their instruction to meet the different skill levels of students in their classroom. Three times a year, students take the State of Florida F.A.S.T. Progress Monitoring assessment (Florida Assessment of Student Thinking).
This progress monitoring provides information about the strengths and weaknesses of every student, providing us with crucial data to inform our instruction.
In addition, to assess students on their writing and communication skills, students in grades 4 and 5 take the WriteScore Assessment three times a year. This assessment is directly aligned to the rubric used when they take the F.A.S.T. Writing test, therefore we use this data to inform our writing instruction in the areas of focus, elaboration, and evidence.
Math: We use the SAVVAS Envision textbook as a resource to test the B.E.S.T standards for math instruction In addition, teachers use hands-on instruction in small groups to help students master the skills and rigor of the standards. Three times a year, students take the State of Florida F.A.S.T. Progress Monitoring assessment (Florida Assessment of Student Thinking). This progress monitoring provides information about the strengths and weaknesses of every student, providing us with crucial data to inform our instruction by determining the standards students have mastered, but more importantly which standards we must revisit to ensure that all students have understood and mastered skills needed to be successful on the final F.A.S.T. Assessment.