- Ms. Simone Hentish, School Counselor -VPK, Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grades

- Ms. Santana, School Counselor - PreK ESE, 3rd 4th and 5th grades
- Mrs. Vilmary Malave, Guidance Clerk
- Mrs. Edith Colon IPC
Welcome to College Park Elementary School Counseling services! We are committed to the success and responsible citizenship of all students. Our Professional School Counselors will coordinate a comprehensive school counseling plan for all students leading to academic success, career awareness, and social/personal development, community involvement, and multicultural/global citizenship development.
We would like to invite you to come in and get to know us and the services we offer and those offered from our counseling office. You may call to make an appointment with us or fill out a School Counseling Referral form (click here). You don't need to wait until you have a problem or special reason! We hope that, together, we can lay a good foundation for future success and achievement by making your child's time at College Park a happy and rewarding learning experience.
Provides school counseling services to all students
- Promotes student academic achievement and responsible citizenship in all students
- Promotes academic success skills
- Enhances student decision making and life management skills
- Promotes student knowledge and skills in academic planning and career development
- Increases student knowledge of self and others
- Supports family needs for information, resources, and referrals
- Systematically provides prevention and intervention programs and services
- Aligns school counseling services with the broader instructional program
- Provides a clear structure with specific standards and competencies for all students
- Provides for planning, accountability, and evaluation
Spanish Version/ Versión en Español
¡Bienvenidos a los Servicios de Consejería Escolar de la Escuela Elemental de College Park! Nos comprometemos al éxito de la educación de su estudiante y la formación de ciudadanos responsables. Nuestras Consejeras Escolares son las profesionales que coordinan los servicios integrales para el éxito académico y el desarrollo social, personal, social, y exploración de (profesiones / oficios/carreras)de los estudiantes.
Les extendemos una invitación para que vengan a conocer los servicios que proveemos a sus estudiantes. Pueden llamar a nuestras oficinas para hacer una cita o si prefieren pueden enviarnos un referido utilizando la Forma para referidos servicios de Consejería Escolar en este enlace electrónico. No tiene que esperar a tener problemas o una razón especial para contactarnos. Esperamos que juntos podamos tender/construir una buena base para el futuro éxito y logros de su estudiante proveyéndoles experiencias de aprendizaje positivas y maravillosas en el aula de College Park.
- Promover los logros académicos y la responsabilidad cívica del estudiante
- Promover los logros académicos y el desarrollo de habilidades.
- Realzar las habilidades del estudiante para tomar buenas decisiones y manejo de su vida y tiempo.
- Aumentar el conocimiento del estudiante sobre su persona y sus compañeros de entorno.
- Proveer apoyo con necesidades familiares, recursos, y referidos.
- Proveer servicios de prevención e intervenciones.
- Alinear los servicios de consejería con los objetivos de instrucción académica.
- Proveer planificación, responsabilidad, y evaluación de las intervenciones académica y de consejería.
Parents are encouraged to call the school if they have health concerns regarding their child. The visiting health nurse provides health counseling, health education, and assistance with medical referrals and necessary follow-up.
In case of a health emergency, "911" (emergency medical services) will be called and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. In the event the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person designated by the parent/guardian to call "in case of emergency" will be notified.
During the school year, all students are eligible to participate in certain health services. Health screenings including, but not limited to, vision, hearing, and scoliosis will be conducted at various grade levels. Parents will be notified if these screenings indicate need for follow-up. If a parent does not wish for his/her child to participate in health screenings, they should send a written note to the principal on a yearly basis requesting their child be excluded from participation.
Health services begin the first week of school.
School health insurance forms are available upon request in the main office.
If students are to take medication at school, an authorization form must be on file in the clinic naming the drug and the physician who prescribed the medicine, phone number of the physician, amount and times medication is to be given and the health condition requiring the medication. Students will not be permitted to take medication without a completed authorization form (including inhalers). The medicine is to be brought to school in the original container and kept in the clinic.
Students are not allowed to keep medication in lockers, desks, purses, etc., or on their person; however, a metered dose inhaler as prescribed by a physician for asthma is permitted. Upon arriving at school, students should bring the authorization form and the medication immediately to the clinic. Schedule medication for times other than school hours if possible. Over the counter drugs, such as aspirin, asper gum, cough lozenge, cough syrup, decongestants, etc., should not be brought to school.
All new students or students returning to Marion County must register online prior to bringing the necessary documents to the school to complete the registration. Please go to our Marion County Public Schools website to begin on the Student Enrollment tab or click the link..
As parents it is your responsibility to assure your child/children have regular, timely attendance. However, if a child is not in his/her classroom at the second bell, he/she must check in at the Front Office before reporting to class. Also, if children are chronically absent, tardy, or picked up early, notices may be sent from the Guidance Office in accordance with Marion County School System policies and FL statutes. Upon your child's return to school, send a hand-written note as to the reason for the absence. If your child was seen by a doctor, please send the doctor's note.
Your child's official records may be accessed though the Guidance Office. If you need to review the online digital record, please call ahead and make an appointment for someone to go over the contents with you. If you need a copy of any document in your child's folder we can provide it for you. If you request more than two copies, a charge will be assessed at 5 cents per copy. Again, please call ahead, and we will try and have it ready for you or will send it home via your child. If you are transferring out of College Park Elementary, we will make sure all necessary documents are forwarded to your child's new school.
*If you are a non-custodial parent who wishes to have copies of report cards, interim reports, and other routine school information, please see your child's teacher. You will be required to provide self-addressed, stamped envelopes for this.